Unlinked Mentions: How to Find & Turn Them into Backlinks

Unlinked Mentions: How to Find & Turn Them into Backlinks
You’re probably using backlinks to boost your website's SEO and create brand credibility. But have you heard about unlinked mentions?

These are also called non-linked or untagged brand mentions, and though they may seem challenging to master initially, they can be a vital asset in your SEO strategy.

So, let’s explore unlinked mentions and find out how to utilize them.

What are Unlinked Mentions?

Basically, unlinked brand mentions occur when another website mentions your brand or company name without linking it back to your website. 

They could mention your brand in their content, list your trademarks or products without a hyperlink, or mention you indirectly in their articles or blog posts. 

Unlinked mentions could seem like a lost opportunity at first, but don't fret, there's a lot you can do to leverage this.

For instance, an online review site might mention your business in its list of 'Top Ten Bakeries in New York', but without linking your brand name to your website. 

In such cases, although you're missing out on the direct traffic from that mention, Google's smart algorithms can still associate this positive recognition with your business and consider this while determining your site's relevance and reputation, thereby indirectly contributing to your SEO strength.

brand mention without linking symbolizing with woman who is talking and mentioning someone

Why are Unlinked Mentions Vital for SEO?

Unlinked mentions might not directly drive referral traffic back to your site, but that doesn't mean they don't have value. 

For starters, they contribute to improving your brand's visibility and reputation online. More mentions of your brand leads to more visibility, which can easily attract new visitors or potential clients.

Unlinked mentions also have a hidden advantage - they can play a significant role in helping establish your website's authority in Google's eyes. 

Google's search algorithm is sophisticated enough to understand and consider these mentions, especially when assessing your domain's entity, relevance, and overall reputation. 

Unlinked mentions also prove that your brand is being talked about organically. All this contributes to making your SEO strategy more robust and successful.

In a nutshell, unlinked mentions are an unrecognized treasure trove of SEO opportunities. They give you a chance to earn valuable backlinks, improve brand reputation, increase website traffic, and ultimately, boost your SEO results.

What are the Different Types of Unlinked Mentions?

Unlinked brand mentions come in various forms, each type revealing a unique aspect of how your brand is perceived and discussed online. 

Identifying these types will offer a more detailed picture of your digital footprint, assisting you in adjusting your brand's messaging and SEO strategy accordingly. 

Here are some common types of unlinked mentions that can be a potential goldmine:

#️⃣ Direct Mentions: Direct unlinked mentions are when a website or blog mentions your brand, product, or service by name but doesn't link back to your site. For businesses, this is often the most common type. With a bit of legwork in outreach, these can often be converted into valuable backlinks.

#️⃣ Indirect Mentions: Sometimes your brand can be indirectly mentioned online - an instance where a website refers to a unique aspect of your business, product, or service without naming it directly. Spotting these requires a keen eye but can provide excellent opportunities for adding context or further information to the conversation with a backlink.

#️⃣ Image Mentions: Do you have unique, branded images, infographics, or graphs used on your website or in your marketing materials? Often, such graphics can be borrowed by bloggers or content creators without proper attribution. These instances are image mentions. By reverse searching your images, you can find potential unlinked mentions.

#️⃣ Social Media Mentions: Social media mentions are different but still important. These are instances when your brand is tagged or mentioned in social media posts without an accompanying link. While you can't convert these into traditional backlinks, they are still vital for reputation management and can be instrumental for customer engagement.

#️⃣ Forum and Comment Mentions: Online forums, Q&A sites, or comment sections of blogs can have unlinked mentions of your brand. These places can contain valuable customer insights and display the public perception of your brand.

How Can You Find Unlinked Mentions?

Unlinked mentions are out there steering conversations about your brand in the digital space. They're sprinkling your brand name in blog posts, social media, online reviews, forums, and all types of web content, creating an undercurrent of brand relevance and trust. As with any undercover mission, the challenge is to find these mentions amidst the overwhelming online buzz. The question now is, how do we do this?

Here are some common ways find these unlinked mentions lurking around the web, waiting to be converted to valuable backlinks:

Use a Google Search

using a Google Search to find unlinked mentions

How can we neglect Google, the ever-helpful search engine? It's as simple as using specific search operators to highlight pages featuring your brand mentions.

Open Google and type in "your brand name" -site:yoursite.com. 

The " " signals Google to search for the exact phrase, and -site: tells Google to exclude your website from the search.

Go through each result and inspect if it contains an unlinked mention of your brand. 

💡 You may want to read: Google Search Operators Cheat Sheet with Examples [Table]

Reverse-Engineer Your X Profile

a logo of X platform

X  (formerly Twitter) can be a treasure trove for identifying unlinked mentions, especially if you have an active presence here.

Use the search bar at the top right of your X account. Enter your X handle without the @ symbol.

You’ll see a list of tweets where users mentioned your handle. Visit these users’ profiles and scroll through their tweets to see if they’ve mentioned your brand outside X.

Find Domain Name Misspellings

google alerts config

Sometimes, people may inadvertently misspell your domain name when mentioning your brand. While these may seem difficult to find, Google Alerts can come to your rescue.

Create a list of common misspellings for your brand name. Set up Google Alerts for each of these. 

You'll get an email whenever these are mentioned online.

Use Google’s Reverse Image Search

image search on google search

If you have unique images that might get used by others without crediting your brand, Google’s reverse image search can help you spot such instances.

Go to Google Images. Click on the camera icon in the search bar. Upload your image or paste its URL.

Hit Enter and look through the results to check if your image has been used without attribution or links.

💡 You may want to read: How to Reverse Video Search (in 3 Different Ways)

How Can You Convert Unlinked Mentions into Backlinks?

Now that we've learned how to find unlinked mentions, you're halfway to mastering these secret SEO weapons. 

Let's gear up to convert these unlinked mentions into valuable backlinks:

Filtering Your Prospect List

First, you need to segregate the wheat from the chaff. Not every unlinked mention is a potential backlink. 

Filter your mentions based on relevance, authority of the website and potential traffic.

Does the mention fit your niche or industry? Is the site renowned with a high domain authority? Will the link potentially draw traffic to your site?

These criteria will help you focus on the most potential unlinked mentions, saving time and energy.

Weed out any low-quality sites, irrelevant or outdated mentions, or mentions on pages with far too many outbound links. The cleaner your prospect list, the more effective your outreach will be.

Reaching Out 

So you have your clean list ready. What's next? It's time to find the email addresses of the decision makers and reach out to them. 

It can be the website owner, the author of the article, or the content manager. Several online tools can help fetch their contact details. You can use SEOmator’s Free Email Verification Tool to validate the email address.

SEOmator's free email verification tool

After you find and verify their contact information, craft a personalized email copy to ask if they can link to your website. Be friendly but assertive, humble yet confident.

💡 You may want to read: How to Find Someone's Email on LinkedIn with 4 Ways

Following Up

Didn't receive a reply? Don't lose heart. 

Follow up after a week or so. 

People might have missed your email among hundreds of others. A gentle, polite reminder might get their attention this time.

Being Flexible in Negotiations

Congrats! You got a reply. But, they're asking you to pay for the link or they want something in return. 

What do you do? Flexibility is the key. 

Understand their perspective and try to find middle ground. 

Maybe you can offer a complementary product of yours or share one of their posts on your social platforms.

Concluding Thoughts

Clearly, unlinked mentions have carved a niche for themselves in the vibrant landscape of SEO, link building, and digital PR. With their stealthy yet profound impact, they have proven their value time and again. 

Understanding the different types of unlinked mentions gives you a concrete direction in your brand mention management. Each type requires careful and active management - creating a multi-faceted approach to converting unlinked mentions into backlinks for your site.

Remember, mastering the art of unlinked mentions isn't just about the technical prowess, but also about the right perspective. It's about seeing an unlinked mention not just as an opportunity to secure a backlink, but as a window to build relationships, boost your brand, and make your mark in the digital realm.

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