Low Hanging Fruit Keywords: How to Find & Target Them

Low Hanging Fruit Keywords: How to Find & Target Them
Let's face it; the competition in the digital marketing realm, particularly SEO, is tough. Pages are jostling for the high-ranking placements. Words like 'optimization', 'keywords', and 'SERPs' likely echo through your sleep.

If you've been finding it challenging to compete with the big fishes, it’s time you hauled in another strategy - harnessing low hanging fruit keywords

But what exactly are these and how can you utilize them?

What are Low Hanging Fruit Keywords?

The phrase "low hanging fruit" is a business metaphor used to describe objectives or tasks that are easy to perform and accomplish. Apply this to SEO, it refers to keywords that are comparatively easy to rank for. 

Low hanging fruit keywords are less competitive, having relatively low difficulty, but could still drive a decent amount of traffic to your website. These keywords give you the boost, the stepping stone, a quick win needed to build and climb further.

Low hanging fruit keywords typically have three common characteristics:

🍎 Less competitive: These keywords are generally less popular, meaning fewer websites are trying to rank for them.

🍎 High intent: They fit perfectly with the user's intention. For instance, a long-tail keyword like 'how to make vegan chocolate cake' displays a specific intent, compared to a short, broad keyword like 'chocolate cake'.

🍎 Decent search volume: These keywords often have lower search volumes than their more popular counterparts. However, they still have enough search volume to drive traffic.

Nailing low hanging fruit keywords does involve strategic work, but it’s not rocket science. It's about being clever with your keyword choices, thinking outside of the box, and focusing on those little nuggets of opportunity that your competitors might have overlooked. 

The sweet part is, once you've identified these keywords and know how to use them, you'll find it much easier to reap the benefits without having to push too hard.

👉 Read also: How to Find Trending Keywords (7 Methods)

What are the Benefits of Low Hanging Fruit Keywords?

a fruit tree symbolizing low hanging fruit keywords

Low hanging fruit keywords can be your secret weapon in the vast SEO battlefield. They allow you to sneak in, swiftly climb the ranks, and before anyone knows it, you are already reaping the rewards. 

Here are some of the opportunities low hanging fruit keywords can offer:

✨ Traffic Increase: Sure, low hanging fruit keywords don't lure the highest volume of search traffic. All the same, they attract a decent amount of traffic that definitely adds up over time. 

✨ Improved Organic Ranking: Implementing low hanging fruit keywords gives websites a better chance to rise in the SERPs. Because of their low competition nature, these keywords require significantly less effort to rank. This means you start scoring visibility, showcase credibility, and win trust faster. A high organic ranking also enhances the domain authority of your website.

✨ Increased Conversion Rates: Low hanging fruit keywords usually have a distinct edge when it comes to conversion rates. They often pertain to long-tail keywords, which are more beneficial for websites and businesses looking for conversions. These long-tail keywords display high intent, implying that a visitor conducting such a search is more likely to convert or carry out a desired action.

✨ Chances of Winning Position 0, Featured Snippets: With low hanging fruit keywords, you stand a chance of winning Position 0, also known as featured snippets on Google. Given their specific, detailed nature, these keywords can easily answer common questions and queries in an effective, straightforward manner. Besides boosting your ranking, winning Position 0 also improves your site's visibility and credibility.

✨ Competitive Edge: All businesses or blogs want the golden SERP spots. But with everyone eyeing the same highly competitive terms, it’s an uphill task. The low hanging fruit keywords form your secret shortcut to these top spots. While competitors fight for the "keywords of the masses'', you quietly climb up the ranks with your low competition keywords. Before they know it, you’re already siphoning off their traffic.

✨ Better Content Strategy: With a list of low hanging fruit keywords at hand, you could create a variety of targeted content pieces to satisfy searchers' intent. They add diversity to your content, allowing you to shape a well-informed, comprehensive content strategy that appeals to a broader audience and covers niche topics.

3 Methods to Find Low Hanging Fruit Keywords

All keywords are not created equal. In your journey to harness the power of low hanging fruit keywords, it’s vital to go for low keyword difficulty and high search volume.

If you can find keywords that have a high number of monthly searches (high search volume), but not many websites are competing for these keywords (low difficulty), you've struck gold! This combination of high demand and low supply is exactly what you are looking for.

After you find low hanging fruit keywords, you can apply them strategically in your content and watch them work their magic, bringing in organic traffic without the high-effort tug of war.

Here are some common ways to identify low hanging fruit keywords:

1) Using Google Search Console

Google Search Console can be a goldmine for discovering low hanging fruit keywords. It furnishes you with a wealth of data, particularly about the keywords for which your website is already ranking (but not necessarily in the top positions).

Simply navigate to the Performance section and filter data for the last 3 months.

search results on google search console report

Scroll down and you will find a list of queries, accompanied by the number of impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), and average position.

Look for queries where your site is already ranking on the second or third page of Google's SERPs (average position between 10 and 30). Click on the filter icon to view the dropdown menu and ensure that “Position” is selected so you can filter the keywords by position.

queries on search console

These are your potential low hanging fruit keywords, ripe for the picking. Prioritize your choices based on number of clicks and impressions.

2) Leveraging SEOmator’s Keyword Research Tool

The age-old process of keyword research still holds strong when it comes to fishing for low hanging fruit keywords. A multitude of keyword research tools like SEOmator’s Keyword Research Tool are available at your disposal and they can be instrumental in achieving your goal.

You can start by entering a keyword and generating a longer list of keywords that are related to it. The tools will typically give you a whole list of phrases containing their search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC, etc.

Pick potential candidates that are highly relevant, possess decent search volume, and have a lower keyword difficulty.

Besides, you can easily sign up SEOmator's dashboard for free to conduct a much more detailed analysis and find useful keywords. Also, you can access your search history so that you won’t have to search for the same keyword twice.


3) Conducting a Manual Search

You can also search manually for keywords. Gather a list of all possible keywords that relate to your industry, your product, or what your target audience might search for.

Skim through your keyword phrases, look for ones with specificity, high intent, low competition and decent search volume.

For example, the keyword 'chocolate cake recipe' could be broadened to 'gluten-free chocolate cake recipe,' narrowing down the competition.

Furthermore, you can utilize community platforms like Quora or Reddit where real people ask questions, seek help, discuss issues, and share opinions. Mining these forums can reveal unique low hanging fruit keyword possibilities.

Run a simple search using a generic keyword relevant to your domain. Look for questions or posts that are popular (many responses or upvotes). Extract long-tail keywords that are relevant to your content and business.

The trick is to keep your eyes open and your fingers ready. It’s like a treasure hunt, the more you dig, the better chances of unearthing a bounty of low competition keywords.


apple tree and a laptop

The beauty of low hanging fruit keywords lies in subtly boosting your organic traffic without the extreme combative effort.

Striking the right balance of low difficulty and high search volume might seem like a daunting task. But, with consistent efforts, the right tools, and creative thinking, you can get there. 

It's important to aim for keywords with a decent search volume, even if it's not very high. High search volume often equates to high competition, so the balance lies somewhere in the middle.

Check how many pages are currently ranking for your chosen keyword phrases. Opt for keywords with a lower difficulty level, as they are less competitive, hence, easier to rank for.

And, the reward will be well worth the effort - a skyrocketing growth in organic traffic, improved SERP rankings, and a noticeable bump in conversions!

👉 Related Articles:

- Different Types of Keywords with Real-Life Examples for SEO

- How to Search Keywords on a Website

- Branded vs. Non-Branded Keywords: Must Know Things